The Spirit of Giving


I recently accepted an invitation to appear on the web-based forum, “Speak To Truth with Carl West”. During the conversation, the Mr. West was surprised when I mentioned my current volunteer work with organizations outside of Polished Pebbles. Though there seems to be a huge struggle among organizations over resources and funding, I choose to operate under the belief that there is enough to go around. And, after so many people have donated their time, energy and knowledge in assisting with the development of Polished Pebbles, it is only right to continue to pay it forward and help others. It was with this in mind that this blog space was created.

I love my community unconditionally.  And I enjoy working with others who feel the same because sustainable community efforts require community ownership in order to make an impact.  Creating a framework in which community members are engaged takes a great deal of effort and commitment, but I’d rather share my knowledge with those interested in stepping into the youth mentoring arena, than for them to learn the hard way.

Continuous giving aids in the cultivation of  relationships and opportunities. So as I share my experiences, I look forward to hearing back from you.  Please feel free to ask questions, as this is an interactive medium. For extensive inquiries or consultation, please contact me at [email protected].

The Motivation To Give Back

During the Polished Pebbles volunteer orientation, we asked our volunteers to share their motivation for volunteering. There were a wide range of responses, but one thing that held true was the lasting affect of a supportive mentor relationship. Through these relationships a few of our volunteers  witnessed the significance of building linkages within the community, as well as empowering  today’s youth.  As you view the video,  think about what skills and talents you have to offer your community and the lasting affect you could have as a mentor. Please feel free to leave a comment sharing what it is that motivates you to give back.