#ThrowbackThursday! KFair Mentoring Tip #2: Giving Thanks

For #ThrowbackThursday, we are going all the way back to 2014 when this post was first published! Even 3 years later, this information is still useful to entrepreneurs, non-profit administrators, or anyone else in leadership positions. And it preps us up for #GivingTuesday on November 28!

This is the second KFair Mentoring Tip in a series of monthly insights to provide guidance and encouragement for Give-thanks1mentors and entrepreneurs. November’s theme is giving and showing thanks! For this month’s, KFair Mentoring Tip, we will be sharing Polished Pebble’s way of thanking sponsors and other contributors.

Organizations and businesses, either for-profit or not-for-profit, all benefit from their generous supporters. Their acts of kindness and support help us maintain our goals and move towards a bright future. So, how do we properly show our gratitude?

Kelly Fair has five steps for an effective and personal appreciation:

  1. Identify the sponsors, contributors, and all-around do-gooders for your organization
  2. Measure their contribution and its outcome
  3. Plan an appropriate strategy for showing thanks
  4. Personalize the gift, letter, email, blurb, etc.
  5. Send!

When you try and identify your contributors, don’t only focus on the large funders or corporations. Individuals and smaller community organizations are also deserving of our gratitude! However, the larger corporation can be a little trickier when it comes to acknowledgements. The corporation that opened their office and staff for a tour and workshop will require different recognition than an individual volunteer. The corporation would benefit from, and appreciate more, a public acknowledgement through social media or other venues. The best way to learn how to acknowledge your corporate sponsor is by asking! They might have preferences in logos, branding, or even what they are able to accept. Asking will help you avoid awkward situations.

For example, this week Polished Pebbles partnered with ThoughtWorks Inc. to showcase jobs in technology to our girls. Polished Pebbles then posted pictures to Facebook with a thank you and shout-out, and wrote a blurb in our weekly newsletter.

Polished Pebbles girls with ThoughtWorks staff from their visit last week. Pictures like these are an easy way to personalize a thank-you or use on public venues. This was posted on our Facebook page.

Personalizing the acknowledgement is the perfect way to be memorable and maintain a positive relationship! On past occasions, Polished Pebbles has sent signed shirts from the program girls to the sponsor, or even an album of photos. These small gestures show that time was taken to appreciate their contribution. This doesn’t mean you have to do-away with the generic letter or email, just spice it up a bit with photos or personal quotes from staff, volunteers, or participants.

Check out these examples for inspiration:

  • Signed organization t-shirt
  • Signed photo and frame
  • Public newsletter or social media blurb with shout-out
  • Video with staff, volunteers, or participants showing off donated items or giving thanks
  • Invite sponsors, donors, contributors to events
  • Public acknowledgement in a speech or publication
  • Thank-you party for all volunteers or staff
  • Public “Partners” page on your website

Don’t forget to show your gratitude this Thanksgiving season!

If you aren’t receiving newsletters from Polished Pebbles, and would like to, email [email protected]!

A Healthy Body Image Starts in the Mind!

By: Lauran A. Smith, Polished Pebbles Correspondent 

What do you think of yourself? Is your perception of who you are determined by what you see?

I was very excited to sit with Polished Pebbles Mentoring on November 14th, as they hosted a discussion on “Healthy Body Image”. It brought me back to my own childhood days, and it forced me to recall that we ALL have experienced a time where we questioned our worth…whether publicly or privately. I was teased as a child about the hue of my skin, and I remember the countless days of returning home, informing my Parents about how the kids talked about me and what they said. One thing is for certain; the Guest Speakers for the Healthy Body Image discussion certainly provided insight as to how they managed to deal with their body image issues.


Brandi advised: “…choose you, because there is no other you…”. Brandi dealt with the issue of children teasing her about her height, and instead of her allowing someone to make her feel out of place because of this, she embraced it and decided that she would take the route of building off of what others considered to be “different”. She started a special series called “Tall Tales”, and was even given 30 pairs of shoes from Oprah Winfrey herself!

Rocki taught us: “…you’re not going to be accepted 100%–so what…”. Rocki dealt with personal weight issues, and was (at one point) convinced that she would be at a certain weight for the rest of her life. Once she began to work out, change her eating habits, and started to see her results, she was then sought out to teach her own fitness classes, and even has a wait list for people wanting to attend her sessions!

Ashanti gave us a quote that has helped to sustain her: “my Father always said that if you pray for anything, pray for happiness”. Ashanti dealt with body issues, and wanting certain areas of her body to look differently. After leaving California for “The Windy City”, Ashanti had a continued vision to seek her happiness, and is now the owner of 360 Mind Body Soul, the “Physique Factory” which is a one of a kind fitness studio, returning You To You!

A Healthy Body Image truly begins in your own mind, and not in another’s perception of you. With social media, reality television, and the internet sensations running rampant with plastic surgery and the like, our girls need to be reminded that who they are is “enough”!

“Healthy” Body Image simply means that there is a positive view of “you”, flaws and all!

Healthy Body Image

Free Fun! Join Us For Second Saturdays!

Polished Pebbles hosts a free Second Saturday event for girls every month. Our programming focuses on building positive relationships, increasing self-esteem, and most of all…having fun! Last month we celebrated October with some “Old School Games”. Check out our vimeo below!

[vimeo 144889177 w=500 h=281]

All this month we have been discussing healthy body image for our girls. This Saturday, November 14 we are hosting our Second Saturday event: “Too Tall, Too Skinny, Too…”. We will have guest speakers sharing their own journeys towards self-acceptance, self-love, and an overall healthy body image! Come listen to the owner of 360 Mind Body Soul Fitness studio, Ashanti Johnson! 
