What’s love got to do with it? Absolutely everything!
During the holiday season there is a lot of talk about holiday giving–donating time or money to support our communities. And we don’t want you to forget that Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring Program is an integral part of your community! And if you love us, then it just increases all the good feels that comes with donating.
What are some of those things you love about us? Take a look!
The mission of the Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring Program is to provide
girls (7-17 years old) with the opportunity of learning the vital life skill of
effective communication. Our Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring program instills confidence in girls to face the challenges of daily life by substituting aggressive forms of communicating and problem solving with new strategies that allow them to gain a solid reputation and respect without retaliating.
Communication – Our focus is mentoring girls to become strong, effective communicators in all aspects, including interpersonal communication and communicating respectfully with adults and peers.
Career Exploration – Girls apply newly learned communication skills in a real work environment through on-site job shadowing and workforce development opportunities that link technical, social, and emotional learning skills to college and career opportunities.
Community – A primary goal of our program is to create a space and place for members of the schools’ communities and the city’s corporate residents to impact youth and bring about change in their local communities.
Our girls in the Polished Pebbles program are developing into professional young women. They are setting their goals higher and higher as they learn just how awesome it is to be a woman! We want them to know that success is in reach and that they have a whole community of men and women (mentors) ready to support them on their path. All of this while having fun!
And we need your help to keep this going! Share some of the holiday cheer by donating to Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring Program! We appreciate gifts of all shapes and sizes! Thank you in advance for your generosity!
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