What Do Potus and Polished Pebbles Have in Common?

At Polished Pebbles we strive to teach our girls to fierce leaders by teaching them the skills of communication and professionalism. We hope to impart in them the belief that they are strong and capable. On September 19, President Obama echoed these thoughts. He brought national attention to the challenges faced by black woman and girls at the Congressional Black Caucus 45th Annual Phoenix Award Dinner.

Black women were central in the fight for women’s rights, from suffrage to the feminist movement and yet despite their leadership, too often they were also marginalized.  But they didn’t give up, they didn’t let up.  They were too fierce for that.  Black women have always understood the words of Pauli Murray — that “Hope is a song in a weary throat.”

We have shared with you the astonishing truths in our society that are confining our black girls. From sex trafficking to school discipline, our girls are in danger in their very communities. Even now, black women make 64 cents to a dollar compared to white men (white woman are 77 cents to the dollar). Kelly Fair believes more research, media, and communities need to focus on young, African-American women. And so does President Obama. Potus and Polished Pebbles are urging our society to not ignore black women any longer, to recognize they are being hurt by institutions and systems in the United States, and to teach our black girls that they are intelligent and successful.Barack_Obama_family_portrait_2011

He leaves us with this beautiful, powerful message:

So we all have to be louder than the voices that are telling our girls they’re not good enough, that they’ve got to look a certain way, or they’ve got to act a certain way, or set their goals at a certain level.  We’ve got to affirm their sense of self-worth, and make them feel visible and beautiful, and understood and loved.

Watch President Obama’s speech here:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JvaLQtm6E0&w=560&h=315]

Our Girls Ended the Year Right!

At Polished Pebbles, we have had another exciting program year come to a close! Our girls learned effective and respectful communication skills, developed professional knowledge from job shadowing and activities, and have formed relationships with our community of mentors and mentees.

Here is a look at our 2015 year with Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring Program:

A Look Back: What Was Said at “On the Table”

As many of you know, Kelly Fair lead an “On the Table” Discussion through the Chicago Community Trust. She presented on the other side of the crisis! Peel back the layers and see #blackgirlsmatter. Move past the tough exteriors and discover young vulnerable girls in need of love!

Were you unable to attend the On the Table Discussion? Don’t worry! We have a little video here for you to know the main points of the other side of the crisis and how you can help!

Let’s take a look back with this snippet:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGBGON-04sk&w=420&h=315]