Men, Your Girls Need You, Too!

This Saturday, Polished Pebbles is hosting our annual Daddy Daughter Dance at Donoghue Charter School. We use this day to celebrate the important role of men in our young girl’s lives. We know that not all young women have father’s present at home, so we host a non-traditional Daddy Daughter Dance. You can bring your brother, uncle, friend, or no man at all. We have wonderful men who are volunteering their time to accompany the girls who attend our Daddy Daughter Dance.

We want to take this time to thank some important people who will
ensure that this Saturday’s Daddy Daughter Dance is a blast!
Our MC: Mr. Hpnotiq
Our DJ: Cory Vicious
Cocktails 4 Entertainment
BrownSugar’s Balloon Designs and Academy
Jewel Osco
Cupcakes by Alicia

Because men, your girls need you, too! We hope to see you Saturday!
