When You Mentor, You Benefit!

Last month, Polished Pebbles and Kelly Fair launched “They’re All the Same Girl!”. The Polished Pebbles story is now in print and sharing lessons learned while mentoring our girls. We want to give you a sneak peek into our book by sharing excerpts. This week we will share a paragraph from the chapter, “The Beneficiaries of Mentoring”.

Often when people approach me about their desire to volunteer, mentor, or support youth mentoring, they begin with long stories or speeches about how in need our youth are, or say things like, “What these girls need is….” They go on sharing personal experiences and observations about the dire circumstances they’ve seen or perceived young people in our communities to be experiencing. However, these people rarely ever seem to take into account how much engaging in youth mentoring work, or community work, means and that they too will be on a personal journey of professional, and more importantly, personal growth as well. Research shows adults who mentor report a variety of ways mentoring youth improves their own personal satisfaction, career pursuits, and social life.

-Kelly Fair, “They’re All the Same Girl” pg. 81

Mentoring impacts youth, communities, and you! There is no getting around the fact that helping and supporting others does you some good. It isn’t selfish to say that one of the reasons you mentor or are involved in your community is because it makes you feel better.

Here are some ways mentoring and being involved in the community can make you a better person:

  • Build positive relationships with others
  • Expand your worldview
  • Continuous self-improvement by developing skills
  • Increase self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Keep active and healthy
  • Be motivated to to make changes in your life

What are some ways mentoring has positively impacted your life?


With They’re All The Same Girl Kelly Fair delivers turn-key tactics and shares insight on successfully garnering support from volunteers, schools, civic and corporate partners.  The book offers personal testimonies from volunteers, program staff and candid community conversations that will prepare aspiring social entrepreneurs, and your organization, to build a generation of girls on the path to personal and professional success!

Interested in purchasing They’re All the Same Girl? Click here…
