Meet Pertesha!: From Foster Care & Fighting to Finding Success!

Since 2009, my girls mentoring program, Polished Pebbles, has positively changed the lives of over 600 girls. Girls in Polished Pebbles receive 60-120 hours per year of interaction and learning with positive role models. These young ladies build relationships over time during sessions held directly in their own schools or communities that help to positively affect their lives. 

An example of just one of the many success stories of Polished Pebbles is Pertesha. After joining Polished Pebbles, Pertesha made many personal improvements that helped change her life from when she was in high school to where she is now.

A Polished Pebbles’ alumna, Pertesha sat down with me to discuss how being in Polished Pebbles and involved in programs such as the Bloomingdale’s Brown Bag Apprenticeship Program impacted her life.

THIS IS A STORY THAT SHOULD GO VIRAL! Please share and consider giving to Polished Pebbles Girls Mentoring Program this holiday season by clicking here:

I thank you for loving our girls, and your continued support!

